Hilary Jardine

Darsteller Informationen

Rachsüchtige Freundin

Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 456 | 2016 | FSK: -

Die besondere Frau

Still reeling from the dire events of \'The Farm\', Vanessa and the group find refuge among a band of humans who have bargained with vampires for peace. Their leader, however, appears to be ...


Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 429 | 2016 | FSK: -

Die Führerin

The group is trapped inside \'The Farm\' - an underground lab for military experiments - and Vanessa discovers that Axel has been hiding a secret from her that concerns her past. Outside, ...


Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 439 | 2016 | FSK: -

Akte 281: Die Farm

Axel leads the surviving members of their group towards his old military base for shelter but finds it abandoned and in disrepair. With vampires closing in all around them, Axel decides ...


Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 371 | 2016 | FSK: -


Vanessa and Axel lead the others in the hospital\'s last stand against a siege by Julius and his vampire soldiers. Later when Dmitri\'s vampire \'Death Squad\' arrives, it looks like civil war is brewing among the two vampire factions.


Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 304 | 2016 | FSK: -

Ich geb auf

Vanessa and Axel lead the others in the hospital\'s last stand against a siege by Julius and his vampire soldiers. Later when Dmitri\'s vampire \'Death Squad\' arrives, it looks like civil war is brewing among the two vampire factions.


Okt. 16, 2017 | Action | 331 | 2016 | FSK: -

Das Miststück

Vanessa, now in the clutches of Julius and his vampire brood, is forced to demonstrate her powers against someone from her past. Afterwards, she escapes, jumping from the frying pan into ...


Okt. 15, 2017 | Action | 434 | 2016 | FSK: -

Die Busfahrerin

Vanessa and Mohamad head into the vampire-controlled streets in search of Dylan, the daughter that Vanessa orphaned when she \'died\'. Back at the hospital, Cynthia is found dead. Doc soon ...


Okt. 13, 2017 | Action | 509 | 2016 | FSK: -

Vanessa Seward

In the days leading up to "The Rising," Vanessa is attacked and left for dead by an intruder. When Doc discovers anomalies in Vanessa\'s bloodwork, Axel and the marines come to retrieve the body, only to become marooned in the hospital.


Okt. 12, 2017 | Action | 429 | 2016 | FSK: -

Van Helsing

In der Serie „Van Helsing“ begleiten wir die Tochter des berühmten Vampirjägers Abraham Van Helsing. Fünf Jahre nach ihrem Tod wird sie wiederbelebt und findet sich in einer Welt wieder, in der Vampire das Sagen haben. Nun ist sie die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit, um diese aus den Klauen der Untoten zu befreien, denn ihr Blut besitzt die einzigartige Eigenschaft, die Blutsauger zurück in Menschen verwandeln zu können.


Okt. 12, 2017 | Action | 913 | 2016 | FSK: -