Micah Fowler

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Bitte lächeln!

Maya enlists the family to assist JJ in romancing a girl at school, but it backfires when JJ expresses his feelings to Claire, and they are not reciprocated. Meanwhile, as the DiMeos are ...


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 326 | 2016 | FSK: -

Rampe zum Herzen

Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 297 | 2016 | FSK: -

Noch ein Rollstuhl

JJ develops on a new girl at school who must adapt to life in a wheelchair after injuring herself in gymnastics.


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 372 | 2016 | FSK: -


Jimmy is upset the kids no longer want to participate in the family tradition of dressing up for Halloween. Maya tries to cheer up Jimmy by allowing him to do things he loves by taking ...


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 312 | 2016 | FSK: -

8 Stunden

Exploring the city on their own, J.J. and Kenneth realize strangers see them as inspirational. The two push their luck, receiving free food and admission to baseball games and things soon ...


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 870 | 2016 | FSK: -

Hey Bitch, was geht?

When Maya forces the cancellation of the homecoming bonfire because she doesn\'t believe the location is wheelchair accessible, J.J. suffers backlash at school.


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 305 | 2016 | FSK: -

Der Betreuer ist immer der Gärtner

Maya\'s fear about allowing Kenneth to be J.J.\'s full-time aide is confirmed when J.J. misses a physical therapy appointment; Jimmy shows Dylan how to be un-neighborly.


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 361 | 2016 | FSK: -


J.J. is a teen with special needs who uses a communication board device to "talk" since he is "Speechless", but gets nominated for President his first day at his new school.


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 329 | 2016 | FSK: -


Die Serie begleitet die Familie DiMeo. Der erstgeborene Sohn der Familie DiMeo, JJ (Micah Fowler), hat eine schwere Entwicklungsstörung. Er ist auf einen Rollstuhl angewiesen und kann sich nicht verbal äußern. So ist seine Mutter Maya (Minnie Driver) in die Rolle seiner stärksten Fürsprecherin gewachsen. Sie kämpft für ihn und gegen die Steine, die die Gesellschaft ihm in den Weg legt. Manchmal aber auch gegen Windmühlen – sehr zum Leidwesen der anderen Familienmitglieder. Während die Familie mittlerweile mit den besonderen Herausforderungen...


Aug. 25, 2017 | Comedy | 873 | 2016 | FSK: -