Philip M. Gardiner

Darsteller Informationen


“Spurwechsel” erzählt von einem ganz normalen Tag in New York, als ein junger Anwalt und ein Mann, der gerade auf dem Weg zum Gericht ist, weil er um das Sorgerecht seines Sohnes kämpfen will, in einen Verkehrsunfall verwickelt werden. Eigentlich ist es nur ein Blechschaden, aber dennoch dramatisiert sich die Situation enorm.


Aug. 16, 2013 | Drama | 662 | 2002 | FSK: 12

Deep Impact

Journalist Jenny Lerner is assigned to look into the background of Secretary Alan Rittenhouse who abruptly resigned from government citing his wife\'s ill health. She learns from his secretary that Rittenhouse was having an affair with someone named Ellie but when she confronts him, his strange reaction leads her to reconsider her story. In fact, a meteor, discovered the previous year by high school student Leo Biederman and astronomer Dr. Marcus Wolf, is on a collision course with the Earth, an Extinction Level Event. A joint US-Russian...


Apr. 29, 2013 | Action | 1149 | 1998 | FSK: 12